Comil Dryers incorporate modern innovations and technologies for drying grains such as soybeans, wheat, corn, rice, barley and others.
Sized for capacities from 20 to 150t/h from 18% b.u to 13% b.u. Comil dryers feature more economy in thermal and electrical energy, due to the reuse of heat from the cooling zone and also to the high performance of the axial fans, providing greater drying homogeneity with more uniform static pressure.
the difference in volume of the grains due to the moisture reduction, not having to replace the product during intermittent drying. It is equipped with a level control, which, when the unloading is on, automatically adjusts the volume of grains inside the dryer, preventing the possibility of hot air escaping from the top of the drying tower.
Installed on the front of the dryer jacket, they provide a uniform speed, providing a homogeneous air flow throughout the grain mass that passes through the drying tower.
Made up of panels (mirrors) and interleaved ducts, it is where the grain mass moves through vertically, and receives the flow of hot air from the furnace, providing the drying of the grains.
The Dryers are equipped with ladders/stairways and internal catwalks, which give access to the drying tower and the fan, allowing the inspection, cleaning and maintenance of the fan, ducts and mirrors. They also feature ladders/stairways and external catwalks that access the loading hopper.
Built with an inner coating of refractory bricks, they are structured with steel profiles and covered in ceramic fiber blocks, coated with a layer of refractory cement. Cast iron grates and feeding doors ensure durability and easy operation. A modern design project incorporates an efficient system of galleries to extinguish sparks.
Exclusive patented volumetric metering unloading system, which cyclically controls the product output flow from the Dryer columns. Ensuring homogeneity in the drying process.
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